
Your Product – Our Customized Testing

Engineering Solutions for your products End-to-End Success.

Customized Tests

Engineering Solutions for End-to-End Success:

To bring your products to market quickly and cost effectively, the requirement is to maximize efficiencies during every phase of your development cycle.

Envitest always bound to think out of the box and provide you:

  • Exceptional integrated engineering solutions.
  • Decades of experience.

At Envitest Lab, we are capable of meeting all your engineering needs whether its jigs and fixtures or can be automation to support the workability and reliability of the product, Envitest lab have the experience and ability to design.

Following are few key take-aways from Envitest:

  • Shorter market windows that compress development cycles.
  • Mandatory compliance with constantly changing local, national and international standards.
  • Ever-increasing demand to lower production costs.
  • The need of internal technical and equipment resources.

We help you succeed with:

  • Test systems engineering
  • Managed services
  • Advanced modeling
  • Dynamic Test Systems Engineering.

Envitest Lab designs and integrates test, measurement, automation, data acquisition and control systems utilizing diverse hardware platforms, operating systems, and instrumentation standards. Our test engineering team have the expertise to a range of projects.

Standards Followed for Customized Tests

Test NameStandards

EN 60950-1 Safety of Information Processing Equipment

EN 60601-1 Safety of (electro) medical equipment Standard

EN 61010 Safety of Laboratory Industrial control and Test Equipment

EN 60335 House Hold equipment and Tools

Case Studies

Envitest Lab – Resolving Aircraft Earphone Cable Reliability Challenges for World’s Largest Aircraft Manufacturing Company


The world’s largest aircraft manufacturing company approached Envitest Lab for their unresolvable problem in the earphone cable provided to passengers during the flight. They faced a series of dissatisfaction from customer for providing a substandard product spoiling their experience during the flights. In the aviation industry, even the smallest component can have a big impact on passenger satisfaction and operational efficiency. The world’s largest aircraft manufacturing company found itself facing a difficult situation with earphone cables provided to passengers during flights. This seemingly minor problem had the potential for significant impacts.

Envitest Lab, recognized for its innovative and precision-driven testing solutions, stepped up to address the challenge. The lab designed a specialized test machine, conducted extensive testing, and provided critical reliability inputs, ultimately leading to a substantial reduction in warranty, repair, and replacement costs. Envitest Lab, designed and developed a technology, paving the way for extensive testing that ultimately transformed the manufacturer’s approach to product quality.

The Challenge:

Passenger comfort and satisfaction are top priorities for airlines, and the earphone cable provided to passengers is an essential part of the in-flight experience. However, the aircraft manufacturing company was confronted with recurring issues related to the reliability of these cables during service. Frequent failures and replacements were not only costly but also affected passenger experience and operational efficiency.

Envitest Lab’s Approach:

The lab decided to tackle the issue head-on, recognizing the need for rigorous and innovative testing.

  • Requirement Analysis: Envitest Lab initiated the project by thoroughly understanding the requirements and standards of the aviation industry. The team worked closely with the manufacturer to establish clear objectives and testing parameters.
  • Test Machine Development: To execute the extensive testing required for wire harness reliability, Envitest Lab designed and developed a highly specialized test machine, fully automatic and generating the required results at regular intervals. This machine was engineered with full automation capabilities to ensure precise and repeatable tests.
  • Rigorous Testing: The test machine conducted a mind-boggling 63,00,000 cycles of testing. These cycles simulated the wear and tear that wire harnesses endure during their deployment in aircraft, thereby assessing their long-term reliability.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Throughout the testing process, Envitest Lab collected data on the wire harnesses’ performance. The lab meticulously analyzed the results to determine failure rates, wear patterns, and performance degradation.
  • Reliability MTBF Inputs: The extensive testing provided invaluable data, enabling Envitest Lab to calculate the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). These inputs were used to gauge the expected reliability of the wire harnesses during service.

Results and Impact:

Envitest Lab’s testing and the specialized technology proved that the data got were correct and fit for analysis. The data collected enabled the aircraft manufacturing company to make informed decisions about the design, materials, and maintenance of wire harnesses. The calculated MTBF inputs provided crucial insights into the expected reliability of these components during service. The impact of this project extended beyond immediate cost savings. The impact of this project extended beyond immediate cost savings. By preventing frequent damages, improving quality of sound, repairs, and replacements, the manufacturer significantly enhanced the in-flight experience for passengers.

Envitest Lab’s commitment to innovation and precision solidified trust with the world’s largest aircraft manufacturing company. The success of this project showcased the lab’s capacity to tackle complex testing challenges with creativity and precision.

Conclusion: Envitest Lab’s exceptional journey, involving the creation of a specialized test machine and extensive testing of earphone cables, redefined the approach to ensuring passenger comfort and operational efficiency in the aviation industry. Through innovation and precision, Envitest Lab not only saved costs but also elevated the in-flight experience and reinforced its role as a leading force in testing and reliability solutions for the aviation sector.


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// Certifications

State-of-the-Art Laboratories

Envitest is the world’s most trusted independent test, inspection, and certification company. With state-of-art lab and the top thought leaders, Envitest provides customers with best-in-class testing services to serve a wide range of industries, including space, defense, automotive, energy, electronics, telecommunications, medical, IoT, industrial, and aviation.

Working as a trusted extension of your engineering team, we stay connected during every phase of your project and we deliver accurate and timely results.